Friday, 27 November 2015

           I have a story I wrote for my son, called "This To Is Normal," 
           when he emailed me he was going to be a Dad.

It is online now in that wonderful website called:

Its about the stuff they never tell you when you become a Dad
             Child Birth, women's reactions and tips on how to be a great Father.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

I have had a story called, "Comanche Moon," accepted for SpelkFiction.
Home of the Illustrious 500 club.

Its pencilled in for 1st January 2016. So a good writing start to the New Year.

Its my tribute to the American West and the Homesteaders that made it possible.

My last appearance on SpelkFiction was called, "The Bowie Duel."

And can be found here:

Thursday, 5 November 2015

I have had a spooky Haloween story,  "The Irish Nagual" up on

A story of Seamus an Irish Folkie, getting in and out of trouble with help of 
 "The Irish Nagual"

What is different with this story, is, you can now also listen to the spooky voice of Darren Sant, as he reads it on SoundCloud. And an excellent job he does to.

As always thrilled to be included within a great line of contributers to this excellent site.